Fine Arts/Arts Block
K-5 Art
The arts enrich the quality of life. All students deserve access to the arts through creation, performance, and study. Art provides students activities that foster creative expression. Students will work individually and collaboratively on projects that explore both technique and appreciation. Special attention will be given to the process of criticism and appreciation within the subjective context of Art.
Illinois Visual Arts Standards guide teaching and learning.
K-5 Music
Music provides students the opportunity to learn about a wide variety of musical elements, composers, and instruments. Students will appreciate and understand music from a variety of time periods and cultures. Students will understand the musical elements utilized by composers and performance musicians to convey their works. In addition, students will consider the relationship between music of the past and present.
Illinois Music Standards guide teaching and learning.
Highland Middle School Arts Block (6-8)
6th Grade
- Applied Tech - Applied Technology provides knowledge of and experience in the proper and efficient use of software and various technologies. The class teaches students to be responsible digital citizens. This course explores a wide range of topics, including (but not limited to) copyright, spreadsheet, graphics, typing skills, coding, and presentation skills. This course also promotes students' technological literacy.
- Art - Art provides students activities that foster creative expression. Students will work individually and collaboratively on projects that explore both technique and appreciation. Special attention will be given to the process of criticism and appreciation within the subjective context of art.
- Family & Consumer Science (FACS) - Family & Consumer Science includes studies of knowledge and life skill sets that are useful for efficient and productive management beyond the classroom walls. Students will focus on hands-on activities with sewing skills.
- Drama - Drama enables students to express themselves through dramatic play and storytelling. Course content includes the use of movement, language, character, plot, and spectacle to portray imaginary or real experiences.
- Music- Music provides students the opportunity to learn about a wide variety of musical elements, composers, and instruments. Students will appreciate and understand music from a variety of time periods and cultures. Students will understand the musical elements utilized by composers and performance musicians to convey their works. In addition, students will consider the relationship between music of the past and present.
7th Grade
- Applied Tech - Have you ever dreamed of being an inventor, an engineer, or an architect? Do you want to program a robot, create an application or game for a mobile device, or make a working game controller from play dough? In this STEAM, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math class, students will turn into many different roles such as an inventor, an engineer, an architect, musicians, film producer, etc. They may create dream houses and devise alternative ways to use existing technologies. Students will also explore different types of programming to create applications, games, and much more.
- Art - Students will continue to explore both technique and appreciation. Student work will begin at the conceptual/abstract stage and grow into the representative/interpretational stage. Students will begin to define good, better, and best solutions to visual problem solving.
- Family & Consumer Science (FACS) - Family & Consumer Science includes studies of knowledge and life skill sets that are useful for efficient and productive management beyond the classroom walls.
- Drama - Drama enables students to express themselves through dramatic play and storytelling. Students will explore improvisation, musical theater, acting techniques, and set design.
- Music - Music provides students the opportunity to learn about a wide variety of musical elements, composers, and instruments. Students will appreciate and understand music from a variety of time periods and cultures. Students will understand the musical elements utilized by composers and performance musicians to convey their works. In addition, students will consider the relationship between music of the past and present.
8th Grade
8th Grade Arts Block is an elective system. Students select choices in the spring before the 8th grade year.
- Animation & Design - 8th Grade Animation is a twelve-week course covering basic and advanced animations, programming, 3D design, and 3D printing. Students will create animated movies, interactive games, web pages, and three dimensional animations and designs. Students will also learn to think and design in 3D. Academic curriculum may be integrated for some assignments. Students may use programs such as, Alice, Stykz, Scratch, iMovie, SketchUp, Blender, Tinkercad, Meshmixer, and Adobe Photoshop Elements.
- Audio & Video Production - Podcasting and movie making are great ways to tell a story. You will learn about the different types of podcasts and movies and make your own! In addition, you will be involved with all parts of movie and/or podcast production from the script to the final cut! This class is co-taught with drama.
- Beginning Guitar - Beginning Guitar provides an opportunity to learn the basics about playing the guitar. Instruction will include proper technique, music theory, chord and tablature recognition, ensemble work, and music history.
- Highland Aloud - Be heard in Highland ALOUD! This class will teach and reinforce the fundamentals of singing and musicianship in a large group, and no prior singing experience is needed! All students in this class will learn to sing in a large group setting, and there will be opportunities for small groups and solos for those interested. There are two after school commitments which students are strongly encouraged to attend: the IGSMA Organization Contest and the Highland Choir Concert in March.
- Ceramics - Ceramic objects are made from clay bodies that have been fired at temperatures in excess of 2000ºF. Work made in this class will be both utilitarian and decorative. Over the duration of the class, students will explore the distinction between artist and artisan.
- Digital Art - Digital Art exposes students to the materials, processes, and artistic techniques of taking artistic photographs. Students learn about the operation of a camera, composition, lighting techniques, depth of field, filters, camera angles, and an intense study of Adobe Photoshop.
- 2 Dimensional Drawing and Design - In this class we will explore the process of making marks on a flat surface. Media includes: Drawing, Painting and Printmaking. Work will be both abstract and representational. Artists will explore the role of abstraction within representational work. In this class, students will have the opportunity to draw a self portrait.
- Design Construct Product (FCS) - Design Construct Produce introduces and expands student knowledge of various aspects of sewing, construction, design, interior design, production, and live exhibits. Students learn about color theory, croquis design, interior design, patterning and more advanced sewing techniques. and fashion. Students can redesign our classroom, or create your own wearable designs, or be a producer for our exhibit, or be the appetizer chef.
- Childcare (FCS)- Do you love kids? Have you ever wanted to help care for children? Now you will have the chance. You will learn about child development for infants through children. You may gain real-life experience that will guide you with leadership, being a positive role model, keeping children safe, caring for others, handling accidents, preventing and treating injuries, and learning through games. While learning you will become certified through the American Heart Association in CPR/AED. You will also have a special opportunity to work directly with kindergarteners and have hands-on experience with infants. Writing a resume and learning important interviewing skills for your first paid jobs will also be included.
- Top Chef (FCS) - Top Chef will focus on advanced cooking techniques such as boiling, braising, poaching, steaming, stewing, browning, deglazing, saucing, scalding, scoring, searing, skimming, and more. Students will be able to demonstrate professional food preparation methods and techniques for all menu categories to produce a variety of food products that meet customer needs. Using the techniques studied will conclude in Top Chef competitions.
- Robotics - Robotics will enable students to learn the fundamentals of computer programing, electronics, and engineering while designing and building robots! Students will have opportunities to work with VEX EDR robotics. They will design, build, program, and test robots to complete a wide range of tasks that may include completing obstacle courses, participating in in-class robotics competitions, picking up and placing objects, “driving” a robot with a remote, and more!
- Becoming an Entrepreneur - Students will embark on their own entrepreneurial journey and create a viable new business adventure. They will select an area of focus and find the value they can bring to those impacted by the issue. Students will generate as many solutions as possible and build a prototype for their solution. Once a testable solution is built, they will solicit feedback and make changes based on your feedback. Students will then pitch their problem to the community to try to receive funding to turn their ideas into a profitable invention. Think Shark Tank at Highland Middle School.
- STEAM - Have you ever dreamed of being an inventor, an engineer, or an architect? Do you want to program a robot, create an application or game for a mobile device, or make a working game controller from play dough? In this class students may create dream houses and devise alternative ways to use existing technologies. Students will also explore different types of programming to create applications, games, and much more.
- Improvisation - Students learn to perform without having to memorize lines and rehearse. They learn how to improvise through interactive games and activities. Improv provides students with skills to be better listeners, public speakers, collaborators, and an outlet for adding laughter to their school day!
- Play Production - Play Production give students the opportunity to experience the process of being in a play (non-musical). Students will be introduced to audition practices, acting techniques, the rehearsal process, elements of theatrical design (lighting, set, costume, props), publicity, and final production. At the end of the trimester students will perform a one-act play for a live audience.
- Behind the Scenes - This class will focus on all the backstage aspects of theater. Areas of focus include animated set design, costume design, publicity, props construction, makeup for the stage, stage lighting, and sound design. Students will work independently and together in groups to create projects in each area of technical theater.
- Musical Theater - Students will learn musical performance skills, singing techniques, movement for the stage and techniques for auditioning for a musical. The class will take an after school field trip to Libertyville High School to see a dress rehearsal of the fall musical production. For their final project, students will demonstrate their knowledge of these skills by performing a scene in a class musical for an invited audience. This class is a co-taught class. No prior experience needed.
- Music Industry - Music Industry explores today’s music scene from recording to business strategies. Students will learn at least three different musical skills, including Guitar, Keyboard, and Drums, in addition to Music Editing, Mixing, and Mastering. In Music Industry, we work with the combination of technology and music. Students will be assigned to one or more of the following roles: Sound Engineers, Musicians, Artists, Composers, and Producers. Students learn the skills needed to create a complete EP of cover songs. Students will find their own place within the world of music production, as performers or producers, practicing the skills that can be applied to any recording studio.
"Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. "--Edward de Bono