Fine Arts/Arts Block

K-5 Art

D70 student at the arteffects art show in 2019. Student points to artwork.

The arts enrich the quality of life. All students deserve access to the arts through creation, performance, and study. Art provides students activities that foster creative expression.  Students will work individually and collaboratively on projects that explore both technique and appreciation.  Special attention will be given to the process of criticism and appreciation within the subjective context of Art.
Illinois Visual Arts Standards guide teaching and learning.

K-5 Music

Music provides students the opportunity to learn about a wide variety of musical elements, composers, and instruments. Students will appreciate and understand music from a variety of time periods and cultures. Students will understand the musical elements utilized by composers and performance musicians to convey their works. In addition, students will consider the relationship between music of the past and present. 

Illinois Music Standards guide teaching and learning.

Highland Middle School Arts Block (6-8)

"Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. "--Edward de Bono