

8th Grade - Mr. Carollo
7th Grade - Mr. Romano

2024 Schedule of Games

Bus transportation will be provided to all away games.  If an athlete or parent prefers, the athlete may take bus transportation back to Highland after the game is over as well. If they prefer to leave with a parent or other authorized pick-up person, they may do so if they have been signed out with the coach.

Thursday, September 5- Away @ Carl Sandburg
Monday, September 9-Home v. Neal Math and Science Academy
Tuesday, September 10 - Away @. Millburn
Thursday, September 12- Home v. Oak Grove (GAME WILL BE HELD AT LIBERTYVILLE HIGH SCHOOL)
Monday, September 16 - Away @ Northwood
Wednesday, September 18- Home v. Lake Bluff
Tuesday, September 24 - Away @ Edgewood
Thursday, September 26- Home v. Deer Path

Monday, September 30- Wednesday, October 2- Tournament (locations TBD)
Monday 9/30- 7th grade pool play-  @. Millburn (See attached)
Tuesday, 10/1- 8th grade pool play-@ Carl Sandburg (See attached)
Wednesday, 10/2- 7/8 Semi-finals and finals - 7th grade @ Carl Sandburg, 8th grade @ Millburn Middle School- 4:00 Start!