
Work with the District 70 K-8 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee to evaluate and enhance equity and diversity topics that are integrated into the curriculum.

Past Initiatives for the HMS Equity & Inclusion Committee in the area of Curriculum 

  • Researching what other school districts do in regard to E&I

  • Work with ELA Dept. to review Books, Units, Date of publications on resources, lessons

  • Make E&I a component of the new ELA adoption (E&I lens); use of template for choice, etc.
  • Create a stronger connection between E&I committee and the social studies department to keep a pulse on state required mandates and future growth as a school.
  • Support ELA & Health with pronoun instruction by providing resources.  
  • The HMS Equity & Inclusion Committee will develop and curate resources for HMS Teaching Staff to support Asian American History Instruction (Public Act 102-44)
  • The HMS Equity & Inclusion Committee will develop and curate resources for HMS Teaching Staff to support LGBTQ Inclusive Curriculum  (HB 246)
  • Support new ways to expand African-American History at HMS.
  • Representatives from Highland’s E&I Committee will sit on the district’s K-8 Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee Meetings held in November & February
  • Begin exploration and review of text choices within the Language Arts curriculum

To view the minutes from our committee meetings, click HERE


Teaching and Learning Standards

Clear & specific standards communicate to students, teachers & parents exactly what is expected for students to learn. The standards can be the vehicle for sharing & supporting many ways to help students learn. The Illinois Learning Standards define what all students in all Illinois public schools should know & be able to do in the seven core areas as a result of their schooling.

The curriculum in place at Libertyville District 70 is aligned with these Illinois Learning Standards. Our curriculum is located in our Academics section


Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards

In December of 2020, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) implemented new teaching standards to better serve diverse populations of students. The Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards ensure educators from all backgrounds can teach Illinois' increasingly diverse students. For more information, use the button links below.