Today Is: Friday, January 17, 2025
Highland Announcements:
Attention all students! If you’re interested in auditioning for the musical Mean Girls Jr., come to the music room during lunch and recess from January 21st to January 24th. Be sure to bring your lunch with you! During these workshops, we’ll teach you the music and scenes for the auditions and hand out audition forms. The more workshops you attend, the better prepared you’ll be for your audition! If you’re interested in being part of the crew only, you do not need to attend these meetings. A crew meeting will be held at the beginning of February. We hope to see you there!
Hey Hornets! District 70 and student council are hosting a drive for the month of January. This month we will be collecting new gloves and mittens. Please bring any donations to the main office where there is a collection bin for the District 70 care closet. Thank you!
The Highland Wrestling team had two meets this past week against Viking middle school and Round Lake middle school. Highland beat both teams bringing their record to 5 and O. Way to go team!